BACW Announcements
REVERSE AUCTION 240614/CABW/2025 The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on...
Read moreREVERSE AUCTION 240738/CABW/2025
REVERSE AUCTION 240738/CABW/2025 The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on...
Read moreREVERSE AUCTION 240748A/CABW/2025
REVERSE AUCTION 240748A/CABW/2025 The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on...
Read moreREVERSE AUCTION 240648/CABW/2024
REVERSE AUCTION 240648/CABW/2024 The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on...
PROCESSO SELETIVO SIMPLIFICADO PARA CONTRATAÇÃO DE AUXILIAR LOCAL O Escritório do Conselheiro Militar da Missão Permanente do Brasil Junto às Nações Unidas, com sede em Nova York-NY (ECM/NY), torna público que estarão abertas as inscrições ao Processo Seletivo Simplificado (PSS) com a finalidade de preencher a vaga de Auxiliar Local para prestar serviço temporário no ECM/NY. Cargo: 01 (uma)...
Read moreREVERSE AUCTION 240656A/CABW/2025
REVERSE AUCTION 240656A/CABW/2025 The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on...
Read moreREVERSE AUCTION 240623A/CABW/2025
REVERSE AUCTION 240623A/CABW/2025 The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on...
Read moreREVERSE AUCTION 240755/CABW/2024
REVERSE AUCTION 240755/CABW/2024 The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on...
Read moreREVERSE AUCTION 240582/CABW/2024
Read moreREVERSE AUCTION 620/CABW/2024
REVERSE AUCTION 620/CABW/2024 The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on...
Read moreREVERSE AUCTION 240748/CABW/2024
REVERSE AUCTION 240748/CABW/2024 The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on...
Read moreREVERSE AUCTION 240656/CABW/2024
REVERSE AUCTION 240656/CABW/2024 The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on...
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