TYPE: Bidding Process – Reverse Auction no. 07/BACE/2023.
OBJECT: contracting of continuous cleaning and conservation service for CABE's internal and external areas, available at www2.fab.mil.br/cabe
DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS AND OPENING MEETING: on the 21st September 2023, at 13:00am. INFORMATION: Monday to Friday, from 11:00 to 17:00 h, at the Bidding and Contracts Division, located at 16 Great James Street, Holborn – London – WC1N 3DP – email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .TENDER DOCUMENTATION CAN BE OBTAINED AT: Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Europe located at the aforementioned address or via website www2.fab.mil.br/cabe
London, 04th September 2023.
Head of BACE
Social Media