TYPE: Bidding Process – Reverse Auction no. 13/BACE/2022.
OBJECT: Insurance company with the capacity to promote full coverage, on demand, in the door-to-door mode, against all risks and damages for materials and equipment of military and aeronautical nature under the conditions and requirements established in this Terms of Reference and its annexes, available at www2.fab.mil.br/cabe
DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS AND OPENING MEETING: on 08 November 2022, at 12:00am. INFORMATION: Monday to Friday, from 11:00 to 17:00 h, at the Bidding and Contracts Division, located at 16 Great James Street, Holborn – London – WC1N 3DP – email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .TENDER DOCUMENTATION CAN BE OBTAINED AT: Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Europe located at the aforementioned address or via website www2.fab.mil.br/cabe
London, 03 October 2022.
Head of BACE
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