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Main Page > Latest News > New Defense and Air Attaché in the U.S. takes office
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WASHINGTON, DC, Jan 18, 2023 -- The Change of Command of the Brazilian Defense and Air Attaché in the U.S. from Major General RAMIRO Kirsch Pinheiro to Major General Fábio Luís MORAU took place on January 18, 2023. The event was held at the Interamerican Defense Board (JID), in Washington, DC, presided by General Luiz Fernando de AGUIAR, with the presence of military and civilian personalities from Brazil and partner countries.

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During the ceremony, Maj Gen Ramiro thanked for the trust placed in him by the Brazilian Air Force Commanders, General Bermudes (2019-2021) and General Baptista Jr (2021-2023), and also for the synergy created in the relationship between the Attaché's Office with the Brazilian Air Force Departments and with U.S. institutions. He also thanked all his team members for the work done in the last two years.  

Finally, Maj Gen Ramiro, wishing success to Maj Gen Morau, commented on the need for adaptations in order to face the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and fulfill his mission. "Just five months of my arrival, the first official major event organized by the DoD took place - the Spring Operation 2021. An excellent opportunity to meet the Defense Attaché community and make new friends. Professionally, an eclectic glimpse of the American Armed Forces capabilities. it was the start of two intense years of professional and personal activities." he said.

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