During CRUZEX 2018, 45 militaries from the Information Technology Department (DTI) and Air Force Computation Center (CCA) were responsible for the services delivered to more than 2000 users. For that, 8 servers, 40 switches, 140 notebooks, 8 printers and 1 kilometer of optical fiber were used.
The chief of the Army IT group, Major Engineer Érico Asano de Mello, explains that two phisically segregated networks were assembled, one internally dedicated to CRUZEX network services and other specific to videoconferences and telephones with the operational area. “To assemble the videoconference network, there was a joint work between DTI and the Communication and Control Group to integrate the employed means in the local network with the communication equipments via satellite”, says the Major.
“The CRUZEX network, segregated from any other network, was used by national and foreign to manage the exercise information. The network had approximately 140 computers and services like operational emails, file server, print and Military Operation Systems”, adds Major Érico.
According to him, all the information generated during the exercise are stored in those means, creating a history for future trainings. To organize all this structure, 9 days were needed.
“To support the activities in the end of the exercise, high speed internet was made available for more than 2000 users in the operation, something innovative in military exercises”, says the Major.
To assure security, availability of all the employed systems, a cybernetic defense cell was activated, responsible for monitoring the work of each network user, alerting immediately in case of a behavior opposed to the security policy exercise information.
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Military Operations System is the central management information element of the exercise. It is through it that requests of management and support (all IT helpdesks requests and Facilities (food, transportation, accomodation), as well as operational area requests, like fuel, runway equipments, aircraft energy sources, among others).
Besides that, the website is also used to produce and make available operational reports, like flight safety, mission debriefing report, planning reports and metereology, for example.
Based on the inserted data, the system executes Business Intelligence routines, that is, collects, organizes and analyses the data and produces management reports that will help in commanders’ decision making and the improvement of future exercises. It is possible, for example, to see the complete mission background, identify the flight phase or the causes that generate more incidents or missions lack of success. In the logistic area, is also possible to generate statistics of helpdesk answers, fuel requests, breakdowns and runway equipments. Just in the IT helpdesk area and the Facility Center more than 1100 calls were answered.
Photograph : Soldado Simplício
Translation: Lieutenant Ludmila Milhorance