CRUZEX 2018 opens to visitation

25 November 2018 by Ingles 1772 Views
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On Friday (23), about 200 people visited Ala 10 to know the Brazilian Air Force military unit and follow the aircraft movement that happens during Cruzeiro do Sul Exercise – CRUZEX 2018.

Visiting hours are organized by shifts and groups of approximately 70 persons. The activity was coordinated by militaries, who, along the way, presented the Air Force, admission procedures and some aircraft partitions in CRUZEX.

In the morning, students, parents and teachers from the Children Learning Center (NAC), situated in Natal (RN), went to Ala 10. To one of the students mother, Beatriz Dias, the visitation was interesting because it brings experience. “I believe that it enriches children's knowledge. It's an unique experience that can get the interest and curiosity for the aviation area. I am extremely happy because I wanted to know the facilities”, said her.
The visitation got the kids to want to join the Brazilian Air Force, as Fernando HHenrique, 9 years old, says. “I am thinking about joining the Brazilian Air Force, my dream is to become a general. I have always found the aircraft models and the military training very interesting. I even have an almanac with all the Brazilian aircraft”, explains.
According to Lieutenant Roberto Mega Junior, from Ala 10, the training provides exchange of experiences among the Forces, as it gathers personnel from the Navy, Army and Air Force, besides 12 countries. “Through this exercise, it possible to train a warrior rescue in opposing lands, for example, the air combat and in-flight refuelling simulation is possible. Hence, we gain confidence to operate in UN missions in the future”, highlights him.
Until next Thursday (29), Ala 10 expects to receive about 2000 people. Visitations have been previously scheduled through the exercise website and anyone who were interested could subscribe to it. The amount of visitors was decided taking into account attendance availability.

Know more about Ala 10, former Natal Air Base
Having more than 70 years of history, Ala 10 served as base to American troops during the Second World War period. Because of its fundamental importance to Allies victory, it was known as the “Victory Stepping Stone”. When the conflict ended, the Brazilian Air Force received the facilities, that were occupied by North-americans and, till this day, it is supporting other units and hosting several events, like Cruzeiro do Sul Exercise (CRUZEX).

Text: UNP University students: Aiça Gomes, Atarcilene Souza, Graciele Carvalho and Mac Millan
Photographs: Soldier Simplício

Translation: Lieutenant Ludmila Milhorance