First Composite Air Operation in the exercise gathers 59 aircraft; see the video

22 November 2018 by Ingles 2509 Views
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The conventional war scenario is already in training in CRUZEX 2018. The first Composite Air Operation (COMAO), translated in Brazilian doctrine as Composite Air MIssion, put together 59 aircraft of different types of aviation, involving all the countries that participating in the exercise with aerial means.

The first Mission Commander, that is, the pilot responsible for planning and coordinating all the mission was Major Felipe Scheer, from the Poker Squadron (1º/10º GAV). He explains that the complexity of this kind of action is the need to align actions among distinct doctrines, that vary as the country and the kind of aircraft in operation varies. It also aims the fulfilment a common goal. He mentions the fact that each airplane has particular flight profiles, speeds and distinct performances, and all those aspects have to be put into consideration. “The responsability and complexity of a mission increase as the type and number of involved aircraft increase”, says him.

After receiving a document called Air Task Order, where are all the actions to be executed by each COMAO player, the Mission Commander has only 24h to coordinate and execute the first takeoff. During this period, two meetings are organized - the initial coordination meeting e the final coordination meeting, in addition to a briefing with all the involved crew, the so-called mass briefing.

In COMAO, dozens of aircraft takeoff in a short period of time to fulfill actions of complementary Air Forces, aiming at a common goal. To have a better idea, in the first CRUZEX 2018 COMAO, from 9h50 and 10h34, all the fighter aircraft took off - one at every three minutes. The airspace where the training takes place is also limited, increasing the complexity and creating the need of cleaning the roots.

In this scenario, the simulation of a country that executes offensive actions and a defensive action of another country take place. The defense group has been composed, in CRUZEX, by a number of four and eight fighters and one tanker. As important as the combat, is the coordination among dozens of aircraft with different profiles and specific doctrines, always putting flight safety as a priority.

In the first CRUZEX 2018 COMAO, all the countries participating in the exercise with aircraft - Canada, France, Chile, Uruguay, United States, Peru and Brazil - realized takeoffs. The A-1, A-29, A-4 and A-37 fighters executed strickers missions; the F-16, F-5 and Mirage executed air defense missions; the E-99 realized in-flight control and alarm and air communication; the KC-130 e KC-135 tankers executed air to air refuelling; the cargo aircraft, C-130, CC-130J, C-105 and C-235, realized airlifts, in this case, airdrop. The A-1 aircraft, equipped with a reconnaissance pod, also executed an tactical air reconnaissance, to analyse the damages caused by the strikers.

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Text: Lieutenant Gabrielli Dala Vechia
Photograph: Seargents Johnson Barros e Bianca Viol

Translation: Lieutenant Ludmila Milhorance