Communication and control squadrons from all over the country mobilize personnel and equipments

16 November 2018 Ingles 869 Views
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Complex logistics for CRUZEX 2018 involved air and ground transportation to dislocate military antennas and radars

All the squadrons from the First Group of Communication and Control (1st GCC) were mobilized to expand the radar cover, increase communication capacities among the aricraft, enable real-time combat evaluation, among others, during CRUZEX 2018. Five squadrons have dislocated personnel, radars, antennas and other equipments to different cities of the Northeast Region, involving a complex logistics of air and ground transportation – which lasted more than a month.

The Prophet Squadron (1st/1stGCC), situated in Santa Cruz – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), took strcutures and personnel to the cities of Assú (RN), Natal (RN), Sousa (PB), Santa Terezinha (PE) and Recife (PE). To do that, C-130 Hercules  made two trips between the two capitals, besides the terrestrial dislocations to the smaller cities.

The Mangrulho Squadron (4st/1st GCC), from Santa Maria (RS), dislocated a TPS-B34M kind of radar to the city of Caicó, in the countryside of Rio Grande do Norte. During CRUZEX 2018, the equipment will have the main function of providing greater radar coverage in the region, expanding traffic visualization, which will be controlled by the Third Integrated Center of Air defense and Air Traffic Control (CINDACTA III), situated in Recife (PE). To transport the radar and the other equipments, a C-130 Hercules aircraft was also used. It covered a distance of more than 4,000 km between the locations, in each of the four required dislocations.

The Bat Squadron's (3rd/1st GCC) headquarter is in Natal (RN), where CRUZEX 2018 will take place. The unit has a Precision Approach Radar, whose capacity will be used during the training. Besides that, the sqaudron has also assembled a communication structure in Maxaranguape (RN), where the Brazilian Air Force has a shooting range.

The other two squadrons, Spider (2nd/1st GCC) and Zagal (5th/1st GCC), situated in Canoas (RS) and Porto Velho (RO), respectively, have dislocated military personnel to act in the exercise.

Check the infographic: Mobilization of Comunication and Control Squadrons

According to Colonel Cyro Cruz,  Commander of the 1st GCC, which is the unit responsible for all the communication and control squadrons, the role of these units is essential to the execution and securtiy of the air activities during CRUZEX 2018. “The structure is ready for the training beginning. During the exercise we are fulfilling the mission of our unit: install, operate and mantain detection and communication means in places where they are insuficient or with no infrastructure for such a large demand of different types of flight, with different performances and altitudes, all at the same time. It is also a great oportunity to validate our operational logistics capacity, mobilizing equipments and personnel in the Group and its five squadrons, to execute the most importante training in the Brazilian Air Force, this year”, says him.

Translation: Lieutenant Ludmila Milhorance