Meet the foreign aircrafts that will participate in the training.

12 November 2018 Ingles 1992 Views
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Canada, Chile, United States, France, Peru and Uruguay will bring aircraft to operate in the country during CRUZEX 2018

The 8th edition of Cruzeiro do Sul Exercise, CRUZEX 2018, the largest multinational and joint exercise held by the Brazilian Air Force, gathers members from 14 countries – seven will participate not only with military personnel, but also with aircraft. Besides Brazil, Canada, Chile, United States, France, Peru and Uruguay will dislocate aircraft to the exercise training, which occurs in Natal (RN).

Aeronave CC-130J, do Canadá

Canada will send more than 40 militaries from the Canadian Air Force and Army, in order to support the CC-130J Hercules airlift, from the 436th Transport Squadron. Parachute launching is one of the missions planned for the aircraft during CRUZEX. 

The country participated for the first time in the last edition, in 2013, and the expectation is that participants can validate their knowledge and skills in a robust and combined environment. In the meantime, relationships with other nations can be developed. Captain Campos, from the Canadian Air Force, explains that CRUZEX reinforces Canada’s ability to contribute to security abroad. “Our participation in the training promotes an environment of cooperation, understanding and mutual respect among the friendly nations, while enables dynamic training in a country where we do not fly frequently”, says the Canadian military.

Reabastecedor KC-135, do Chile

The Chilean Air Force participate with five F-16 fighters and one KC-135 airlift aircraft. Among the pilots and the maintenance team, the delegation will have around 90 military personnel. This is the fourth time that Chile participates in CRUZEX, just as Brazil usually participates in the Salitre Exercise, promoted by Chileans - the last one being in 2014. "We are very interested in updating our tactics, validating them, and increasing our level of interoperability, and also strengthening ties with the Air Forces of friendly nations”, says Colonel Pineda.

Caça F-16, dos Estados Unidos

United States participate with approximately 130 militaries, one KC-135 airlift aircraft and six F-16 fighters. Lieutenant-Colonel Dennen, from the American Air Force, explains that, in the contemporary international scene, a country alone cannot achieve results. That is why it is necessary to work together. "This exercise is the biggest and best of its kind in South America. There is nothing like it, we cannot miss this opportunity. All participants will have operational gains. Nowadays, there is no peacekeeping mission alone: interoperability relations between countries are the key to making the world a better place, more stable and better able to face the problems”, he says.

Aeronave de transporte C-235, da FrançaFrance will bring one C-235 aircraft, whose base is in French Guiana. The aircraft will train air transport actions together with Brazilians, participating in the so-called “COMAOs” (Composite Air Operations), in which there is a “package” with aircrafts of different natures. They take off in sequence to – in limited time and space - carry out missions with common or complementary objectives. “It is important to improve the interoperability among countries, so that professionalism can be leveled, especially considering the possibility of some future joint engagement in peace missions", says Colonel Orlianges from the French Air Force.

Caça Mirage 2000, do Peru

Although Peru has already participated in CRUZEX with military observers, it is the first time they will bring aircraft, which includes four A-37B and four Mirage-2000 fighters. They will also send a delegation with about one hundred militaries. “CRUZEX will be our first big participation in an international event of this kind. We hope to show to South America and to the world that we are a prepared Air Force and that we have a high professional level. We also hope to learn a lot, especially with Brazil, that has great experience with the organization of this training”, says Lieutenant-Colonel Obergoso.

Caça A-37, do UruguaiUruguay will dislocate to CRUZEX 2018 with four A-37 fighters and approximately 30 militaries. They have worked with the Brazilian Air Force in previous trainings, according to Colonel Parentini. "It's a great experience to share expertises with the participants. It is the chance to see how other Air Forces act, work together and try to fly as effectively and safely as possible”, he explains.

Besides these countries, Germany, India, Bolivia, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom and Venezuela will also participate in CRUZEX 2018, but without dislocating aircraft.

Text By: Lieutenant Gabrielli Dala vechia

Translation By: Lieutenant Ludmila Milhorance