Waived Bids
DISPENSA 230075/2023 |
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Contratação de serviço de confecção de placas e gravação na placa da Ordem de Great James dos nomes do Chefe da DA, Chefe ACI e Graduados da DA e DL da Comissão Aeronáutica Brasileira na Europa (CABE). |
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GBP 462.55 |
DISPENSA 230184/2023 |
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Aquisição de material de informática para a Adidância de Defesa, Naval, do Exército e Aeronáutica na Suécia. |
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SEK 37,470.00 |
DISPENSA 230186/2023 |
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Contratação de serviço de confecção de materiais de representatividade e de divulgação institucional para a Comissão Aeronáutica Brasileira na Europa (CABE). |
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GBP 4,404.24 |
DISPENSA 230245/2023 |
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Contratação de serviço de manutenção preventiva do sistema de alarme contra roubo do prédio sede da CABE, incluindo o controle do acionamento de emergência, via linha telefônica (Monitoring Service 24/7 Dualcom GRPS) |
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GBP 3,456.00 |
DISPENSA 230250/2023 |
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Contratação de serviço de manutenção preventiva dos sistemas de alarme contra roubo de 06 (seis) imóveis sob responsabilidade jurídica da CABE |
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GBP 1,031.94 |
DISPENSA 230233/2023 |
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Serviço de manutenção e vistoria anual obrigatória (MOT) do veículo BMW 530, placa Nº 118D915, pelo período de um ano. |
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GBP 1,075.00 |
Data da última atualização: 04/04/2024.
Execução de Despesas
(Click on the Contract to see the details)
Object: To provide fuel supply for 1(one) year for 2(two) BACE's cars.
Closing Date/Time: 13th on September 2019 at 11:00 pm.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Object: To provide fuel supply for 1(one) year for 2(two) BACE's cars.
Closing Date/Time: 28th on August 2019 at 11:00 pm.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Final Decision : MEETING MINUTES 01 - BIDDING PROCESS 008-BACE-2019.
Object: Hire an Insurance Company to insure the houses under BACE's administration.
Closing Date/Time: 12th August 2019 at 11:00 pm.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Final Decision : MEETING MINUTES 01 - BIDDING PROCESS 007-BACE-2019.
Object: Hire an Insurance Company to insure the houses under BACE's administration.
Closing Date/Time: 19th July 2019 at 11:00 pm.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Final Decision : MEETING MINUTES 01 - BIDDING PROCESS 006-BACE-2019.
Object: Contract annoucements space for 1 year for the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Europe.
Closing Date/Time: 22nd May 2019 at 11:00 pm.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Final Decision : MEETING MINUTES 01 - BIDDING PROCESS 005-BACE-2019.
Object: Provision of Radar-Satellite remote sensing control services for the production of images including right of use and distribuition within the Brazilian Government, as per technical specifications and quantities provided in the Basic Project 01/SAR/COMAE/2018.
Closing Date/Time: 6th March 2019 at 3:00 pm.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Final Decision : MEETING MINUTES 06 - BIDDING PROCESS 001-BACE-2019 .
Object: Acquisition of a new vehicle for diplomatic use of BACE.
Closing Date/Time: 21st December 2018 at 10:30.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Final Decision : MEETING MINUTES 01 - BID 026-BACE-2018.
Object: Aquisition, installations and implementation of specific equipment and tests in accordance with requirements laid out in BP 01/CISCEA-DO/2017, BP 03/CISCEA-DO/2017, BP 05/CISCEA-DO/2017, BP 06/CISCEA-DO/2017 and BP 08/CISCEA-DO/2017.
Closing Date/Time: 18th October 2018 at 11:00 AM.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Final Decision : DISCLOSURE ACT - FINAL - BID 018-BACE-2018
Object: Hire of cleaning and conservation services for BACE.
Closing Date/Time: 06th September 2018 at 15:00.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Object: Hire of cleaning and conservation services for BACE.
Closing Date/Time: 28th August 2018 at 11:00 AM.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Object: Aquisition of COTS Software to meet requirements in accordance with the terms, quantity and other needs laid out in BP 02/CISCEA-DO/2017, and BP 07/CISCEA-DO/2017.
Closing Date/Time: 08th November 2018 at 11:00 AM.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Final Decision : DISCLOSURE ACT - FINAL - BID 005-BACE-2018 .
Object: Aquisition, installations and implementation of specific equipment and tests in accordance with requirements laid out in BP 01/CISCEA-DO/2017, BP 03/CISCEA-DO/2017, BP 05/CISCEA-DO/2017, BP 06/CISCEA-DO/2017 and BP 08/CISCEA-DO/2017.
Closing Date/Time: 07th August 2018 at 11:00 AM.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Final Decision : MEETING MINUTES 03A - BID 003-BACE-2018 .
Object: Contratação de serviços, em quatro lotes, para o COMAER, abrangendo a disponibilização de meios orbitais para o sensoriamento remoto por satélite e o acesso a catálogo de imagens com direito de uso das imagens selecionada.
Closing Date/Time: 14th February 2018 at 11:00 AM.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Final Decision : MEETING MINUTES 05 - TENDER 001-BACE-2018 .
Object: Engage a company which specialises in providing and/or arranging door to door insurance, on demand by BACE, against all risks, for all goods purchased by BACE and BACW, while these goods are in transit.
Closing Date/Time: 29th November 2017 at 10:30 AM.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Final Decision : MEETING MINUTES 02 - TENDER 005-BACE-2017 .
Object: Contratação de serviços, em quatro lotes, para o COMAER, abrangendo a disponibilização de meios orbitais para o sensoriamento remoto por satélite e o acesso a catálogo de imagens com direito de uso das imagens selecionada.
Closing Date/Time: 27th October 2017 at 11:00 AM.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Final Decision : MEETING MINUTES 03 - TENDER 003-BACE-2017 .
Object: Door To Door international baggage transportation services,for the Aeronautical Command military personnel and civil servants, on mission in UK at their return to Brazil.
Closing Date/Time: 28th November 2017 at 10:30 AM.
For full details please: CLICK HERE.
Final Decision : MEETING MINUTES 03 - TENDER 002-BACE-2017 .
RFQ - General Information
- Standard Preferred delivery terms: FCA (INCOTERMS 2010) to one of BACE's warehouses, unless otherwise specified on our RFQ.
- Payment: Net 30 days after receipt of material.
- Quotes: Please provide unit and total price for each item requested.
- Final Unit Price = material price + export packing + shipping costs + delivery costs + documentation costs - discount (if applicable)
- Condition of material: refer to our full Terms & Conditions.
- Currency: quotes may be submitted in Euros, Pounds Sterling or US Dollars.
- Additional Information: refer to our full Terms & Conditions.
NOTE: If your quote does not comply with any of these terms, please clearly set out, in your quote, the reasons for non-compliance and/or contact us prior to submitting your bid.
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