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The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on the HIGHEST DISCOUNT PER ITEM to for the select the most advantageous proposal for the supply of aviation kerosene fuel, on demand, to supply aircraft and equipment of the Aeronautical Command on missions outside Brazilian territory per continent, in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements set out in this Public Notice, Term of Reference 02/SSCB/2024 and its annexes.

Open session for the receipt of the Qualification Documents and Price Proposals shall be held on March 10th, 2025 at 09:00 a.m. EST at the BACW.

The company may download the Invitation for Bid, the editable Price Proposal, and other relevant information regarding to this bidding process by accessing our website:

If any problems with the provided links are noticed, please contact the commission by the e-mail Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

Additional information regarding this Bidding Process may be obtained from the BACW’s Bidding and Contracts Division, from Monday to Friday between 07:15 a.m. and 03:15 p.m. (EST).

Washington, D.C., January 30th, 2025.



Head of BACW

The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on the LOWEST PRICE to for the select the most advantageous proposal for the Purchase of five PT6A-114A engines.

Open session for the receipt of the Qualification Documents and Price Proposals shall be held on February 10th, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. EST at the BACW.

The company may download the Invitation for Bid, the editable Price Proposal, and other relevant information regarding to this bidding process by accessing our website:

If any problems with the provided links are noticed, please contact the commission by the e-mail Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

Additional information regarding this Bidding Process may be obtained from the BACW’s Bidding and Contracts Division, from Monday to Friday between 07:15 a.m. and 03:15 p.m. (EST).

Washington, D.C., January 28th, 2025.


Head of BACW

The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on the LOWEST GLOBAL PRICE to for the select the most advantageous proposal for the acquisition and modernization of computer network equipment (routers, switches, modules and spare parts) for the Administrative (INTRAER) and Operational (ATN-Br) Networks, in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements set out in this Public Notice, in Term of Reference 202/2024 and its annexes

Open session for the receipt of the Qualification Documents and Price Proposals shall be held on February 10th , 2025 at 09:00 a.m. ESTat the BACW.

The company may download the Invitation for Bid, the editable Price Proposal, and other relevant information regarding to this bidding process by accessing our website:

If any problems with the provided links are noticed, please contact the commission by the e-mail Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

Additional information regarding this Bidding Process may be obtained from the BACW’s Bidding and Contracts Division, from Monday to Friday between 07:15 a.m. and 03:15 p.m. (EST).

Washington, D.C., January 22nd , 2024.


Head of BACW

The Head of the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Washington D.C. (“BACW”), located at 1701 22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20008, USA, hereby notifies, to whom it may concern, that the BACW shall carry out a Bidding Process, in the form of Reverse Auction, to be awarded based on the LOWEST PRICE to for the select the most advantageous proposal for the Purchase of six OVERHAULED PT6A-34 engines.

Open session for the receipt of the Qualification Documents and Price Proposals shall be held on December 24th, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. EST at the BACW.

The company may download the Invitation for Bid, the editable Price Proposal, and other relevant information regarding to this bidding process by accessing our website:

If any problems with the provided links are noticed, please contact the commission by the e-mail Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

Additional information regarding this Bidding Process may be obtained from the BACW’s Bidding and Contracts Division, from Monday to Friday between 07:15 a.m. and 03:15 p.m. (EST).

Washington, D.C., December 12th, 2024.



Head of BACW

TYPE: Bidding Process – Competitive Bidding nº 07/BACE/2024

OBJECT: sale of Honda service vehicle, model CR-V RM3 2.4 AT 2354cc, year 2013, idle in the Defense, Naval and Aeronautical Attaché in Indonesia, available at

DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS AND OPENING MEETING: on the 14th January 2025, at 11:00am. INFORMATION: Monday to Friday, from 11:00 to 17:00 h, at the Bidding and Contracts Division, located at 16 Great James Street, Holborn – London – WC1N 3DP – email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. .TENDER DOCUMENTATION CAN BE OBTAINED AT: Brazilian Aeronautical Commission in Europe located at the aforementioned address or via website  

London, according to digital signature.

Head of BACE



OBJETO: Alienação do veículo de serviço Honda, modelo CR-V RM3 2.4 AT 2354cc, ano 2013, ocioso na Adidância de Defesa, Naval e Aeronáutica na Indonésia, disponível em

ENTREGA DE DOCUMENTOS E ABERTURA DE ENVELOPES DE QUALIFICAÇÃO: 14 de janeiro de 2025, às 11:00h. MAIS INFORMAÇÕES: De Segunda a Sexta, das  11:00 às 17:00h (GMT), na Divisão de Licitações e Contratos, no endereço 16 Great James Street, Londres – WC1N 3DP – Reino Unido ou endereço eletrônico Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.. A DOCUMENTAÇÃO SOBRE A LICITAÇÃO PODE SER OBTIDA na Comissão Aeronáutica Brasileira na Europa localizada no endereço mencionado acima ou pelo website:  na aba Announcements.

Londres, conforme assinatura digital.

Chefe da CABE

Download this file (BID-007-CABE-2024-eng.pdf)BIDDING PROCESS 007/BACE/2024 - ENG[Click here for full details]901 kB
Download this file (BID-007-CABE-2024-pt.pdf)BIDDING PROCESS 007/BACE/2024 - PT[Clique para detalhes completos]1239 kB
Download this file (mm007-cabe-24.pdf)Meeting Minutes 01 - 007/BACE/2024[Click here for full details]385 kB
Download this file (th007-cabe-24.pdf)Homologation term - 007/BACE/2024[Click here for full details]158 kB
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